


2023年3月26日に開催するイベント「《包括的性教育ーユネスコとの対話》セクシュアリティをハートで学ぶ」と、その翌日から始まるUNESCOユースセミナーの準備で忙しくしています。 ユネスコは「包括的性教育」という考え方…

2022.06.27. Festa Juninaでビオダンサ(元運営委員:内田佳子)

昨日、真夏日の東海大学キャンパスで、学生有志のグループBeijo-Me-Liga主催のブラジル北東部の伝統的なお祭り「フェスタジュニーナ」が開催されました。 Beijo-Me-Ligaのみなさんが紡ぎ出す場のすばらしさは…


セクシュアリティの授業をしていると、ああ、自分もお産を体験してみたかったなあ、と思うことがあります。 いや正直を言うと、若いときの自分は、お産なんて、そんな命がけの極限体験をする勇気がないと思っていました。それが、性教育…



チャリティーヨガ 緊急食糧援助を届けました!

9月26日に開催した2回目のチャリティーヨガ。 送金準備がようやく整い(海外送金って、ほんとうに大変…!)総額35万円をモンチアズール・コミュニティ協会へ寄付することができました。 前回は毛布1000枚を、今回は食糧援助…



CRI-Children’s Resources International aims at promoting happy, healthy and meaningful childhood, and above all, safeguarding the right to “childhood” for children both in Brazil and in Japan.

In Brazil, we mainly work with Monte Azul Community Association, a favela-based Anthroposophical entity whose goal is to improve the lives of favela residents through education, art, health and agricultural activities.

More than 100 volunteers have been to Monte Azul from Japan. One could work in the kitchen or in the vegetable field if without much knowledge of Portuguese, or work as assistant educators once they acquire some proficiency in the language.

Volunteers with professional experiences, such as those in early childhood education or in the field of health, are very welcome. Background in classic music is highly appreciated in the music school.

When returning to Japan, volunteers find themselves much needed in a growingly multicultural society. Brazilians are the 4th largest immigrant population in the country.

CRI has maintained close ties with Brazilian Schools in Japan, a peculiar form of educational institutions that are not formally included in the education system of the country.

Together with the Brazilian schools, we have held what we call “Multicultural Camps” since 2006 and “UNESCO Youth Seminars” since 2015, inviting pupils and students from Japanese, international and other types of ethnic schools to spend a few days together playing, singing, dancing and discussing social issues.

In 2018 we held the 4th World Social Initiative Forum (WSIF) in Japan working with the Goetheanum’s Section for Social Sciences, Monte Azul Community Association and the Japanese network of UNESCO Associated Schools. The friendship born during the Forum gave birth to the idea of a world network of Waldorf and non-Waldorf schools that pledge to work on the ideals for peace enshrined in UNESCO’s Constitution. The idea finally came to take shape in 2020 as the “Waldorf-UNESCO Network” was founded.